Saturday, August 4, 2018

615. Youth

Title: 最親愛的你 / Zui Qin Ai De Ni
English Title: Youth
Genre: School, Romance
Episodes: 26

Summary: 林小纯作为大一新生来学校报到,入住时巧遇室友陈晨晨的男友高霖也在女生宿舍,为避免房东发现,高霖百般躲藏,笑料十足。五个女生共同生活之后又发生了一系列让林小纯难以容忍的事情,沉重的压力下,林小纯的情绪彻底爆发。原来每个人都背负着沉重的过去,有着自己的小秘密。于是五个女生坦诚的坐在一起,逐渐敞开心扉。房东阿姨出国,五个女生趁机举办宿舍活动,各自邀请好友参加,气氛热闹和谐。大学四年里,林小纯和学长杨宇牵手。韩依彤学业有成却面临单身危机。倪瑾尝试改变拜金的自己。陈晨晨分手。张盛楠与偏执的自己和解。五个女生在摩擦与扶持中渐渐找到了那个未来想要的自己。(Translation needed)

614. Legend of Yunxi

Title: 芸汐傳 / Yun Xi Zhuan
English Title: Legend of Yunxi
Genre: Adventure, Romance, Wuxia, Medical, Action, Historical
Episodes: 48

Summary: The story follows a lady doctor (Han Yun Xi) who marries into the royal family and gets caught in the political machinations in the palace whilst she falls into a romance with her husband. The story takes place during a chaotic time when the land has split into three kingdoms - Tian Ning, Western Zhou and Northern Li. The Emperor of Tian Ning is cunning and distrustful, and fears his own subordinate Long Feiye. To dampen his spirits, the King arranges for Long Feiye to be married to an "ugly" woman named Han Yun Xi. Han Yun Xi is a kind and talented woman who comes from a medical family and is adept with poisons. She is also forced into obeying the decree of the king and becomes a royal consort in name only. However, circumstances allow her to show off her skills time and again, winning the admiration of Long Feiye. At the same time, she also forms a friendship with Gu Qishao (Master of Yao Gui Valley).

613. Mengfei Comes Across

Title: 萌妃駕到 / Meng Fei Jia Dao
English Title: Mengfei Comes Across
Genre: Historical, Comedy, Romance
Episodes: 36

Summary: A story revolving around the mischievous Concubine Meng who starts out at odds with the King but falls in love with him in the process. 

Bu Meng is the daughter of a prominent public official during the Sui Dynasty. After entering the palace, she is exposed to the lies and intrigues surrounding the imperial family. Unwilling to have her fate decided by others, she pretends to be perpetually ill. Her time at the palace allows her to meet Concubine Yan who is clever and resourceful, Concubine Qu who's a crybaby, a glutton and a romantic and Concubine Xiao, a skilled martial artist who hails from a clan of generals. The four become fast friends and sisters in the inner palace.

Because of constant disagreements with Bu Meng's father, the King decides to let off some steam by picking a bone with Bu Meng one day but unexpectedly becomes attracted to her unique personality. He starts to purposely create opportunities for them to meet that are brushed away by Bu Meng who tries to avoid him as much as possible. Not until a chance encounter outside the palace does she begin to see the King's many good and lovable sides.

612. My Classmate From Far Far Away

Title: 同學兩億歲 / Tong Xue Liang Yi Sui
English Title: My Classmate From Far Far Away
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School, Fantasy
Episodes: 24

Summary: Xuan Mo is an ordinary high school girl till the day she was unexpectedly possessed by a female marshal from an alien civilization. Her outstanding ability amazes everyone around her. However, the highly intelligent female marshal has no clue how to act as a human being and has to learn everything from scratch. When her human life gets more enjoyable, someone discovers her secret…

611. The Taoism Grandmaster

Title: 玄門大師 / Xuan Men Da Shi
English Title: The Taoism Grandmaster
Genre: Fantasy
Episodes: 46

Summary: It has been foretold over three thousand years ago that the apocalypse is impending and that one Taoist grandmaster will emerge to save the world. To give the people a fighting chance, the immortals have gathered a team of gifted individuals in search for the sacred shield.

610. My Love From The Ocean

Title: 來自海洋的你 / Lai Zi Hai Yang De Ni
English Title: My Love from the Ocean
Genre: Romance, Supernatural
Episodes: 28

Summary: 一次世界性药物中毒事件,使得觅宝客池陆接受委托,伪装成访问学者来到海岩,从此打破了女孩戴汐的平静生活。伴随着任务的进展,两人的感情也逐渐升温。然而,戴汐父亲戴教授的失踪,池陆身份的暴露,神秘药物的真正配方渐渐浮出水面。一个又一个谜团困扰着戴汐,身体的异变也不容忽视。
在寻找父亲的过程中,戴汐逐渐解开身世之谜,与此同时,二十年前发生在水宫岛的人鱼族惨案也被揭开。人鱼族苦苦寻找的人鱼之泪竟然就在池陆体内,爱人还是族群,信任还是怀疑,作为人鱼公主的戴汐彻底陷入绝境。幕后真凶程宏伟的死亡,令戴汐池陆二人与他们的昔日挚友站在了对立面。当戴汐决定背负起族群使命的那一刻,她与池陆的爱情又将何去何从。(Translation needed)

609. Moonshine and Valentine

Title: 結愛 千歲大人的初戀 / Jie Ai Qian Sui Da Ren De Chu Lian
English Title: Moonshine and Valentine
Genre: Romance, Supernatural
Episodes: 25

Summary: 实习记者关皮皮,接到一项事关转正的特殊任务, 采访文物专家贺兰静霆。这位神秘莫测的“玉学泰斗”,此前从不示人。为了攻克他,皮皮想尽办法,却被他匪夷所思的生活习惯给惊到。以花为食、热爱“月光浴”、白天双目失明、夜晚视力极佳,每分钟心跳只有三下,而且他还自称来自外星,是不同于地球碳基生命的硅基生命体。皮皮自认为受到了戏弄,气急而走。接二连三的打击一度让她恸不欲生。青梅竹马的男朋友与闺蜜接连背叛,皮皮感觉被全世界遗弃。只有贺兰一直陪在她身边,给与她温暖。皮皮渐渐放下戒备,了解到贺兰所在的外星球的世界。两人几经波折,终于冲破命运的桎梏,走到一起。然而贺兰所在星球的内部争斗很快燃向了两人。为了守护彼此,两人争先付出自己的一切,只愿对方能够平安度此一生。(Translation needed)

608. Suddenly This Summer

Title: 忽而今夏 / Hu Er Jin Xia
English Title: Suddenly This Summer
Genre: Romance, School
Episodes: 30

Summary: 从小乖巧文静,英文成绩极佳,梦想成为外交官的何洛是一个典型的“二次元”少女,喜欢把身边的人和事幻想进入漫画情节中。这年夏天,她在一次校内网球比赛中对永远完美侧脸,傲气全场的队长章远一见倾心。初次见面后缘分悄然而来,在英语补习班中相遇,在学校辩论赛中对抗,在结伴出游中了解。现实中章远与何洛成为了好友,而幻想中章远更不经意间成为了何洛漫画情节中的男主角。就在身边的朋友们也陷入了属于各自的情感的同时,两人终于互相坦白了内心的情愫。两人约定考取北京的同一所大学,章远却因两分之差而错过。从两个班级,到两个城市,最后到两个国家,何洛和章远从一开始似乎就注定存在着遥远的距离。然而爱让他们各自经历千山万水,世事沧桑,最终也要走到一起。(Translation needed)

607. Smile

Title: 想看你微笑 / Xiang Kan Ni Wei Xiao
English Title: Smile
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 24

Summary: 纪小行患有严重的镜头失语症,一旦接到有台词的角色便会瞬间“石化”,可她的理想,却是成为一个实力派演员。在一次扮演死尸时,纪小行阴差阳错地结缘超级偶像歌手、古怪神秘的舒湛,还跟他卷入一起意外惊吓事件, 不得不一起摆平此事。舒湛因为儿时的一场家庭变故,患上了一种心理疾病,叫做“不可触碰症”。而这种病,居然只对纪小行是免疫的,纪小行成为了舒湛的助理。盛华集团的继承人辛垣陵是电影项目《浮生记》的负责人,辛垣陵亲自为大电影的选角,最终选定沈寻、苏惟白、舒湛、杜念、安歌。纪小行作为舒湛助理,也同时进入了剧组。辛垣陵第一次见到洒脱的纪小行时,对她印象十分不好,没想到,之后他经历了一系列“诡异而神奇”的事,不知不觉中,辛垣陵这座冰山有了裂缝。可让他始料未及的是,他亲自策划的电影项目却从一开始就陷入各种阴谋的漩涡。但是风雨之后必将见到彩虹,纪小行、舒湛、辛垣陵、沈寻、杜若、夜零等年轻人不惜代价,冲破重重阻力,抛开所有偏见与误会,在追逐梦想的道路上并肩前行。(Translation needed)

606. Cinderella Chef

Title: 萌妻食神 / Meng Qi Shi Shen
English Title: Cinderella Chef
Genre: Food, Historical, Comedy, Romance
Episodes: 56

Summary: Our heroine is a time-traveling person who becomes the daughter of an official who is then kidnapped to a bandits tribe where our hero is currently working as a spy. With her superb cooking and modern street smarts, she makes a name for herself while struggling to handle a fake marriage with the hero.

605. Oh! My Emperor

Title: 哦 我的皇帝陛下 / O Wo De Huang Di Dian Xia
English Title: Oh! My Emperor
Genre: Romance, Historical, Fantasy
Episodes: 21, 21 (2 Seasons)

Summary: Luo Fei Fei, a girl from the 21st century, was transported to a mysterious world of the past -Huang Dao Guo. In the nation of Huang Dao, its leadership is rotated among the 12 constellation owners every thousand years. There, Fei Fei meets the current emperor of the nation, Bei Tang Yi, who is also the owner of the Capricorn constellation.

604. I Cannot Hug You

Title: 無法擁抱的你 / Wu Fa Yong Bao De Ni
English Title: I Cannot Hug You / Embrace Love
Genre: Vampire, Comedy, Romance, Youth, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
Episodes: 16, 16 (2 Seasons)

Summary: The plot revolves around an inexplicable pull between two people and the romance that ensues between them. The main protagonist is the modern-day vampire who is apathetic towards everything in life until he showed up as her next-door neighbor (he's a germophobe, like in the webtoon). Her world changes as she feels the desperate need to get close to him. Will she finally be able to hug him?

603. The Legend of Zu 2

Title: 蜀山戰紀2踏火行歌 / Shu Shan Zhan Ji 2 Ta Huo Xing Ge
English Title: The Legend of Zu 2
Genre: Historical, Wuxia, Romance
Episodes: 48

Summary: 余英奇的部族火黎族一直以医术救人,却因祖传的功法有缺陷而遭人陷害,被江湖中人误解并追杀,族人们只能隐居在小小村。妹妹余英男从小生活在小小村,因为年少失忆,她并不知道自己是被哥哥捡回家的。18岁生日那天英男以为自己遇到的苍墟大弟子白谷逸就是梦中的大英雄。为了追求爱情,英男想上苍墟派学武,却错上蜀山。在历尽了波折之后,英男才知道一路默默守护自己的哥哥并非同胞亲生,而是小时候救过自己的梦中英雄,两人定情。英奇为了拯救被陷害误解的族人,要寻找江湖至宝血晶石,英男发现自己就是身怀血晶石之人。英奇被白谷逸重伤,英男孤注一掷,借血晶石之力救助英奇。白谷逸假正道之名企图灭掉火黎族,最终一场恶战后英奇与白谷逸同归于尽。英男继承了英奇遗志,独自行走江湖,悬壶济世。(Translation needed)

602. Beyond Light Years

Title: 初遇在光年之外 / Chu Yu Zai Guang Nian Zhi Wai
English Title: Beyond Light Years
Genre: Romance, School, Youth
Episodes: 38

Summary: The story revolves around a computing major named Li Yu Chen who is adept at solving problems using probability. He is extremely intelligent, kind-hearted and helpful but he comes off a bit uncaring and cold. He meets Xia Xiao Ci, a cheerful girl from an ordinary family and they start out with an immediate dislike for each other.

601. The Royal Kitchen

Title: 幽蘭湖之御廚駕到 / You Shan Hu Zhi Yu Chu Jia Dao
English Title: The Royal Kitchen
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 19, 21 (2 Seasons)

Summary: 幽兰湖,每逢七月十五便会产生时空交错的怪象,并且在这一天子时落入水中的生灵会因执念死而复生。出身御厨世家的小浩子,因为童年意外导致生理缺陷,被送进皇宫当了太监,并且被清出族谱。天生酷爱厨艺的小浩子进宫后深得御膳房大厨的喜爱,破例收为徒弟,还要传他家传菜谱。大厨的徒弟大胡子心生嫉妒,得知小浩子暗恋仪妃,于是假意谋害仪妃,却不料三个人同时遇险,落入传说有水怪的千年湖水之中。
湖水之中的古今时空交错,小浩子被救上岸,却发现自己穿越到了现代,用着段明天的身体,而他的救命恩人竟然是长相酷似仪妃的白辛。一个天赋极高的御厨小太监“小浩子”,阴差阳错穿越到现代变身富二代“段明天”,从而引发了一段浪漫搞笑的爱情故事。(Translation needed)

600. Love Is In The Air

Title: 幸福,近在咫尺 / Xing Fu, Jin Zai Zhi Chi
English Title: Love is in the Air
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Fantasy
Episodes: 24

Summary: Back in the ancient time, people in one secluded village developed super human ability from a supernatural phenomenon. In order to gain more super human abilities, they must use their power to do good. A descendant from this guardian tribe treats good deeds like a list of things to do. He, then, meets a woman who can accelerate fulfilling his good deed quota and move him up from a trainee guardian to a real guardian angel. They end up living together as roommates as he helps her succeed at work and in love. That is, until he is captured by a mad scientist who wants to do all kind of experiments on him.

599. Pretty Man

Title: 國民老公 / Guo Min Lao Gao
English Title: Pretty Man
Genre: Romance, Family
Episodes: 28

Summary: It tells the love story of Lu Jin Nian and Qiao An Hao spanning 13 years. They first got to know each other in school, but later parted ways again due to some misunderstandings. Now, Jin Nian is the unapproachable king of the entertainment business while An Hao is a rookie in the same business. Fate lets Jin Nian and An Hao meet again and An Hao ends up becoming his fake wife.

598. Fantastic Girlfriend

Title: 變身女友 / Bian Shen Nv You
English Title: Fantastic Girlfriend
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 20

Summary: 娱乐公司总监的海灿海归回国,因巧合认识了老师雨彤,发现她手上的疤痕,发现她可能是自己一直要找的儿时玩伴,于是接近雨彤。而雨彤其实具有另两重人格,一种擅长拳脚功夫的阿健,另一种是美艳动人雷凯莉,因跳舞视频和海灿的好友毛峰导演走在了一起。偶然间,海灿发现雨彤就是自己要找的人,并得知她的多重人格。通过进一步接触,得知雨彤是在领养家庭里被养母虐待致病。从此海灿日日守护,两人恋爱,而在海灿前女友的多重打击下,雨彤决定离开海灿。此时,雷凯莉趁虚而入,夺下了身体的主控权,逐渐走红,海灿想要雨彤回到身边,却遭遇车祸,忘记了雨彤,误以为自己跟前女友复合。周围人的关心唤醒了雨彤,雨彤变身成阿健,打醒海灿,海灿回到雨彤身边,帮助雨彤治疗,治愈了雨彤内心的伤痛,两人不离不弃,赢得幸福人生。(Translation needed)

597. You're Dead, Long Ri Yi

Title: 龍日一你死定了 / Long Ri Yi Ni Si Ding Le
English Title: You're Dead, Long Ri Yi
Genre: Romance, School, Youth
Episodes: 20, 8 (2 Seasons)

Summary: The play mainly tells the story of Zhang Jingmei, a top student, and the love story of Long Ri Yi, a school devil. Zhang Jingmei is a typical hostess in youth school literature. Long Ri Yi is an out-and-out campus devil, when the devil met drama, a series of funny romantic story start.

596. Colourful Bone

Title: 艷骨 / Yan Gu
English Title: Colourful Bone
Genre: Suspense, Historical, Romance, Wuxia, Fantasy
Episodes: 53

Summary: Changing one's face is full of uncertainties. It is difficult to determine whether such a technique is good or bad and whether it will bring good fortune or ill-will to those that use it.
The Kingdom of Chu has always been under the rule of those bearing the last name Chu, but the imperial family falls to ruin as Feng Ru Ge takes control. In the last fifteen years, the Crown Prince has been biding his time to take back what was lost. Feng Ru Ge's goddaughter Jing Shu has mastered the skill of painting skin from a very young age. She used a face in exchange for a life from the hands of Zhao Ru Shi. Who would have thought that the person Jing Shu has gained is Lue Ying, a formidable death soldier that is known throughout Jianghu. His only reason for living is to kill the Crown Prince who is to be Jing Shu's future husband, thus beginning a heart-wrenching story of love and hate.

595. Art In Love

Title: 那刻的怦然心动 / Na Ke De Peng Ran Xin Dong
English Title: Art In Love
Genre: Friendship, Business, Romance, Drama
Episodes: 39

Summary: Art In Love is a modern drama with George Hu and Kan Qing Zi as leads. George plays a perfectionist artist, who is introverted, sensitive, and cold. His personality is challenged by our heroine who isn’t afraid of anything. They know each other in college and begin clashing then. When given the chance to pursue further education in arts, our hero chooses to follow his dream and study abroad, sacrificing the budding romance. 

Seven years later, he returns home and meets our heroine again, but throughout the years, she is guarded by a handsome basketball player. Places have changed, time has changed, but their hearts ache the same…

594. Die Now

Title: 端脑 / Duan Nao
English Title: Die Now
Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller
Episodes: 20

Summary: A college boy joins a virtual reality survivor game to save his missing girlfriend, who is in great danger trapped inside the game. With each succeeding level, the game challenges his mental acuity, physical endurance, and most of all, morality. After many close-to-death situations and hard to resist temptations, he reaches the highest level and saves his girlfriend. In the process, he uncovers the true purpose of the game and how it will decide the fate of humanity.

593. A Seven Faced Man

Title: 柒个我 / Qi Ge Wo
English Title: A Seven Faced Man
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 34

Summary: Shen Yizhen is a third generation of successors of Shenhua Group. He has multiple personalites. When he meets his psychiatrist Bai Xinxin, he falls in love with her. 

592. The Butterfly Lovers

Title: 梁山伯與祝英台新傳 / Liang Shan Bo Yu Zhu Ying Tai Xin Zhuan
English Title: The Butterfly Lovers
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 29

Summary: A young woman named Zhu Ying Tai disguised herself as a man to attend a school in Hangzhou. On her way there, she met a fellow traveller and schoolmate named Liang Shan Bo. They became good friends and swore honorary brothers. For three years, they studied and lived together. Yet, Liang never realized that Zhu was a woman. Before their graduation, Zhu asked Liang to visit her in her hometown and promised to marry her "fictitious" younger sister to him. When Liang arrived, he was ecstatic to discover her true identity. However, their hope of marriage was soon dashed when Zhu's parents betrothed Zhu to their schoolmate Ma Wen Cai. Liang died of a broken heart. On Zhu's wedding day to Ma, she tore off her wedding gown and threw herself against Liang's tomb, which opened up and enveloped Zhu. Then, from the tomb, a pair of butterflies emerged.

591. As Flowers Fade and Fly Across The Sky

Title: 花谢花飞花满天 / Hua Xie Hua Fei Hua Man Tian
English Title: As Flowers Fade and Fly Across The Sky
Genre: Wuxia / Romance
Episodes: 66

Summary: It tells the story of Hua Man Tian, the son of a wealthy and powerful family, who finds himself in an unwanted love triangle between a princess and his childhood lover, whom he truly loves. When his childhood lover is accused of treason, she uses magic to switch faces with the princess but their problems get deeper when the magic wears off quickly.

590. Where the Lost Ones Go

Title: 可惜不是你 / Ke Xi Bu Shi Ni
English Title: Where the Lost Ones Go
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 24

Summary: Where the Lost Ones Go tells the story of the first love of young art student which lead to a lifetime of unforgetable love. Ye Zi, a major in chinese art painting and Xiang Ze Yi, a major in oil painting met and fell in love in college. However Ye Zi was heart-broken when Xiang Ze Yi suddenly left without a word. Years later, Ye Zi became a famous manga illustrator. In hope of getting back together again, Xiang Ze Yi came back with a confession of what happened and why he had to leave. How will Ye Zi decide?

589. My Huckleberry Friends

Title: 你好,旧时光 / Ni Hao, Jiu Shi Guang
English Title: My Huckleberry Friends
Genre: School
Episodes: 30

Summary: Yu Zhou Zhou, a math prodigy, defies her teachers and family's expectations and elects to study liberal arts. Though the transition from math & science to liberal arts major is difficult, she found joy in the new challenges, as well as making new friends and reconnecting with old ones.

588. Your Highness

Title: 拜見宮主大人 / Bai Jian Gong Zhu Da Ren
English Title: Your Highness
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Historical, Wuxia, Fantasy
Episodes: 21

Summary: The main protagonist is Qin Zhan, an avid player of a popular online game called New Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (it's both an actual game in China and a well-loved classic wuxia). Qin Zhan time travels into the game that he's been playing for ten years and gains incredible powers as a result. However, he also becomes the number one enemy of the entire martial arts world and must face the dangers and conspiracies that are thrown in his way.

587. Lost Love In Times SP

Title: 醉玲瓏番外之玲瓏醉夢 / Zui Ling Long Fan Wai Zhi Ling Long Zui Meng
English Title: Lost Love in Times SP / Exquisite Drunken Dream / Ling Long Drunken Dream
Genre: Romance, Period
Episodes: 12

Summary: To save Tao Yang City from the invasion by Markasha and to protect Qing Chen, Prince Yuan Che almost loses his life in the process. Desperate to save him, Qing Chen uses the Lunar Corona Stone to try and save his life. Unfortunately, despite her efforts, Yuan Che was unable to wake up as he has lost most of his spirit. Meanwhile, the dark mages i.e. the Jade Blood Chamber are doing everything to lay their hands on the lunar corona stone which has now become a part of him and keeping him alive. To call for help, he sends dreams to both Cai Qian and Ming Yan to help him.
Ming Yan then reveals to Cai Qian that her lover is still alive but to wake him up she must enter his 3 dream levels and resolve the 3 most important issues that have troubled him in his life to gather the rest of his soul. If she makes a mistake and reveals her true identity to him or gets killed in his dream, both Cai Qian and Yuan Che will perish. But with an assassin from the Jade Blood Chamber, hot on their heels and stirring up trouble wherever they go, will Cai Qian succeed in waking Yuan Che up or she bring death to both of them?

586. The King's Woman

Title: 秦时丽人明月心 / Qin Shi Li Ren Ming Yue Xin / 丽姬传 / Li Ji Zhuan
English Title: The King's Woman
Genre: Romance, Period
Episodes: 40

Summary: Gongsun Li is the granddaughter and disciple of military commander Gongsun Yu. When she was young, she met and rescued Ying Zheng, who then fell in love with her at first sight. When the Qin troops were attacked, Gongsun Li's childhood lover, Jing Ke was poisoned while protecting her. In order to attain the antidote for Jing Ke, Gongsun Li agreed to marry Ying Zheng.
However, she found out that she was already pregnant with Jing Ke's child. Ying Zheng decides to hide the truth for Gongsun Li, treating the child as his own. Gongsun Li was deeply touched by Ying Zheng's actions. At the same time, Han Shen (Sun Li and Jing Ke's senior) entered the palace to save her and stayed on in the palace as an imperial guard. After much time, Gongsun Li comes to know a kinder and lesser known side of Ying Zheng and begins to fall for him. Facing the harem, the schemes of the concubines, and Ying Zheng's mercurial nature, Gongsun Li uses her wits, intelligence, and kindness to earn the love and respect of everyone.

585. Xuan Yuan Sword: Han Cloud

Title: 轩辕剑之汉之云 / Xuan Yuan Jian Zhi Han Zhi Yun
English Title: Xuan Yuan Sword: Han Cloud
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Romance
Episodes: 58

Summary: After the ancient Emperor defeated the demons, the shattered sword was broken into two parts. Two sword spirits were born - Zhaoyun and Muyun. However, due to the chaos caused by the battles, the two brothers were separated since birth. Zhaoyun was raised by a group of warriors called Flying Feathers(Fei Yu), in charge of aiding Gongyang Shuo’s quest to expand the kingdom of Yao Han; while Muyun was under the Bronze Bird army(Tongque Zunzhe) of Xiao Yue, who are cruel and oppressive, and often invade the neighboring countries. The two brothers were reunited in a battle between their kingdoms. When Zhaoyun discovers the truth, he uses their bloodline to save Muyun from danger.
The kind-hearted Zhaoyun was heartbroken to see the people suffering due to war. With the help of Yeyaxi, a princess from a tribe, the two brothers worked together and overcame dangerous and difficult situations. In the end, they found the Emperor sword which symbolizes justice, using it to defeat the cruel and barbaric Chun Yuyue, therefore destroying the Bronze Bird army and bringing peace back to the world. 

584. Princess Agents

Title: 楚乔传 / Chu Qiao Zhuan / 11处特工皇妃 / 11 Chu Te Wang Huang Fei / 特工皇妃楚乔传 / Te Wang Fei Chu Qiao Zhuan
English Title: Princess Agents  / 11th Bureau Princess Agents / Legend of Chu Qiao
Genre: Period, Romance
Episodes: 68

Summary: During the Northern and Southern Dynasties,the Western Wei enslaved large numbers of civilians. The slave girl, Chu Qiao, is thrown into a forest along with other slaves and becomes the next hunting target for the rich lords. She is saved by the Prince of Northern Wei, Yan Xun. Afterwards, she is brought into a powerful family of Yuwen and witnesses their bloody power struggle. Seeing this, she swears to take her younger sister and flee from the situation. However, she catches the attention of Yuwen Yue, and undergoes strict training while building a sense of companionship with Yan Xun. Unfortunately, the Emperor of Western Wei is distrustful of the powerful Yan clan, and slaughters Yan Xun's entire family.
After that incident, Yan Xun grows ambitious and cruel to avenge for the things and the people he lost. He doubts Chu Qiao and takes advantages of her loyalty and love many times, disregarding their relationship as well as the sacrifices he will have to make for power. Disappointed with the man she once loved, Chu Qiao eventually breaks off her relationship with Yan Xun and decides to join hands with Yuwen Yue, yet she may be too late...

583. A Love So Beautiful

Title: 致我们单纯的小美好/ Zhi Wo Men Dan Chun De Xiao Mei Hao
English Title: A Love So Beautiful
Genre: Romance, School
Episodes: 23

Summary: It starts off with high school classmates Chen Xiaoxi and Jiang Chen who are also neighbors since kindergarten. Chen Xiaoxi, a cheerful girl who doesn't study much, is expressive about her admiration towards Jiang Chen, the popular guy known for his looks and high grades. Jiang Chen is also a guy who is very distant and indifferent towards people because of his father’s early death. Together, Jiang Chen and Chen Xiaoxi prepare for their Gao Kao, a university Entry Examination during their senior years in secondary school. Together with their classmates—the funny yet dirty-minded Lu Yang, athletic but blunt Lin Jingxiao, and cool national swimmer Wu Bo Song, they embark on high school life to university until their adult life.